In our society, children's rights come first. It's a place where love greets us at home, offering all the affection a child could need.

Creativity and confidence to adapt processes to align with local context to address the needs of their communities.
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Reports and Publications
Analysis on the selection of optional subjects at school
The research of the ROR group was carried out with the officials of the Municipal...
Report from the Research
Perceptions of students, parents and officials about the right to education, bullying and discrimination in...
Research Report
Perceptions of students, parents and officials about the right to education, bullying and discrimination in...
The gap, Curriculum and its applicability
This report was prepared by the children’s monitoring group, “Respect Our Rights” (ROR) within the...

Rights in Kosovo
ROR (Respect Our Rights) is a group of 24 children aged 14-17 from different communities in Kosovo, including those with disabilities. We're supported by NGOs "Syri i Vizionit" and "Save the Children" to monitor how well children's rights are respected in Kosovo, reporting on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and local laws. The ROR Group will monitor the implementation of the International Convention on Children's Rights in Kosovo and local laws aimed at protecting and respecting children's rights. The ROR group will also issue reports at the state level which will reflect the implementation of the CRC and local laws and the situation of protection and respect for children's rights.
- Monitoring Childreen Rights
- Youth Events
- Joined Activities
Representatives of children’s groups from Respect Our Rights – ROR and the Municipal Assembly of Children in Pristina, supported by…
Training with AK and the ROR group Gjilan, April 23 – Eye of the Vision organizations in partnership with Save…
Learn about our recent projects and initiatives aimed at making a positive