Location : Isa Zajmi, No. 01, 10000, Prishtina, Kosova
Frequently Asked Questions

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Here are some of the common question we have been asked

What is Respect our Rights (for children) and what does it aim to achieve?
Respect our Rights is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and protecting the rights of children worldwide. Our mission is to ensure that every child is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness, regardless of their background or circumstances.
How can I get involved with Respect our Rights?
There are several ways to get involved with Respect our Rights! You can volunteer your time, donate to support our initiatives, or participate in our advocacy campaigns. Visit our "Get Involved" page to learn more about how you can make a difference.
What specific rights do you advocate for?
We advocate for the full spectrum of children's rights as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This includes but is not limited to the right to education, healthcare, protection from abuse and exploitation, and the right to participate in decisions that affect them.
How does Respect our Rights ensure accountability and transparency?
Accountability and transparency are core values of Respect our Rights. We regularly publish reports on our activities and finances, undergo independent audits, and engage with stakeholders to ensure that we remain accountable to the communities we serve.
What impact has Respect our Rights had so far?
Since our inception, Respect our Rights has made significant strides in advancing children's rights globally. We have successfully advocated for policy changes, provided support to marginalized communities, and empowered children to claim their rights. Our impact continues to grow as we collaborate with partners and supporters worldwide.