Location : Isa Zajmi, No. 01, 10000, Prishtina, Kosova
About Condition

Children's Rights & Governance in Kosovo

All children's rights that are guaranteed by the international convention will be addressed by the project. More importance will be given to these rights: Protection of children from violence and other negative phenomena (discrimination, harassment, trafficking, etc.), health care, the right to education and their social well-being.

The rights of children in Kosovo, in addition to being guaranteed by the international convention, are also protected by local laws, but this does not happen. Kosovo is the country that invests the least in the region in the education and protection of children's health, this has been evaluated in various reports of local and international organizations that deal with the protection of children's rights.

It should be noted that none of the Ministers of the Government of Kosovo has a Human Rights Officer

Children who are engaged full-time and who focus only on that role, also in the municipalities there are no such officials, even though there are coordinators for children's rights in the municipalities, they exercise positions in certain directorates, but the position of the coordinator for children's rights, they exercise it on a voluntary basis. The Government of Kosovo has drawn up strategies and action plans related to the implementation of the international convention on children's rights, such as; The National Action Plan for Children's Rights in increasing the inclusion of children in preschool education, the Action Plan for the Prevention of Dropout from Schools, the Strategy for the Health of the mother, the child, the adolescent and the Reproductive Health and the Action Plan 2011-2015